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const mkdirsSync = function(dirname) { if (fs.existsSync(dirname)) { flatMap( dirFile => _.map(files, file => path.join(path.dirname(dirFile), file))) .filter(file => fs.

channel . send ( new MessageEmbed ( ) . setTitle ( "Test Embed in v12" ) ) ; React Native version: 0.59.10 Steps To Reproduce Run your app on iOS 10 Use Array.prototype.flatMap, e.g. [].flatMap(item => item) Describe what you expected to happen: Should work like on other OS and platforms Probably other new ES fea Se hela listan på developer.mozilla.org Using the latter will throw an error: const sixteen = 2 (3 + 5); alert ('2 x (3 + 5) is ' + String (sixteen)); //Uncaught TypeError: 2 is not a function. You can correct the code by adding a * operator: const sixteen = 2 * (3 + 5); alert ('2 x (3 + 5) is ' + String (sixteen)); //2 x (3 + 5) is 16. It isn't too clear what do from looking up the error, but since I saw people mention these are new functions from Node v11+, I needed to update Node to the latest version (v14 for me). Then it worked again perfectly!

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To check if the Node.js version you are using has changed, you can run node -v again. Share Error: assets.flatMap is not a function × Build failed. TypeError: assets.flatMap is not a function at Transformation.runPipelines (D :\a\s olid-simple-table \s olid-simple-table ode_modules \@ parcel \c ore \l ib \T ransformation.js: 368: 131) hi, the problem is you are using node 10 while flatMap is only available for node 11+. I'd suggest to use the latest node LTS version which is node 12 to have this support. I will close this issue as it is not ts-jest issue. The flatMap() method returns a new array formed by applying a given callback function to each element of the array, and then flattening the result by one level.

TypeError: dataset.flatMap is not a function But if I pass in hardcoded value for dataset like below, it works. const dataset = [{ id: 1, text: 'If I

2019-03-13 · Javascript Array flatMap() is an inbuilt method that maps each element using the map function, then flattens the result into the new array. It is identical to the Javascript Array map followed by the Javascript Array flat of depth 1, but the flatMap() method is often quite useful, as merging both into one method is slightly more efficient. Se hela listan på developer.mozilla.org After checking it seems that Edge also doesn't suport .flatMap() yet either: https://caniuse.com/#search=flatmap A (hopefully) quick fix for you is to upgrade nodejs to v11+ (Latest version is 12), but I realise that may not be possible depeding on your project, especially as v10 is the LTS release.

flatMap(line => line.split(' ')) .map(word => (word, 1)). HiveContext(sc) sqlContext.sql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS src (key INT, value HiveContext(sc) // sendEmail is a custom function sqlContext.sql('FROM node js full stack ramverk 

Nodejs flatmap is not a function

If false, the Vinyl object's contents property will be a paused stream. It may not be possible to  11 Dec 2017 forEach() — executes a provided function once for each array element forEach () may be preferable when you're not trying to change the data  typeof t)throw TypeError(String(t)+" is not a function");return t}},function(t,r){var e=function(t){return t&&t.

channel . send ( new MessageEmbed ( ) . setTitle ( "Test Embed in v12" ) ) ; Describe the problem: Upgraded from TailwindCSS 1.9.6 to 2.0.1 for my angular project following the instructions on their website. I had previously used the following guide: https://notiz.dev/blog/ This thread has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed.
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Snyk immediately added the vulnerability to our database and reported it to the Node Foundation Security working group, who are actively reviewing it. npm also responded to the incident and unpublished the malicious library, flatmap-stream, as was the offending event-stream version 3.3.6.

runPipelines ( D :\a\s olid - simple - table \s olid - simple - table ode_modules \@ parcel \c ore \l ib \T ransformation. js: 368: 131) Configuration (.babelrc, package.json, cli command) Everything is available here: https://github.com/aminya/solid-simple-table. Describe the bug Runnig the application throws a TypeError: Object.entries().flatMap is not a function. λ ts-prune C:\Users\Rick van Buuren\AppData\Roaming pm\node_modules\ts-prune\lib\analyzer.js:161 var referencedInFile = Object.en flatMap — the missing function for functional Node.
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React Native version: 0.59.10 Steps To Reproduce Run your app on iOS 10 Use Array.prototype.flatMap, e.g. [].flatMap(item => item) Describe what you expected to happen: Should work like on other OS and platforms Probably other new ES fea

Some operators are not explained well in RxJS documentation, and we recommend you to refer to the general ReaciveX (reactive extensions) documentation for clarification. Estou tentando manipular arquivos com o NodeJS, utilizando o fs.copyFile em meu servidor (Debian Jessie), mas eu não consigo copiar arquivos. Eu já fiz de tudo pra tentar solucionar o problema, já até copiei exatamente o exemplo dado na documentação e repliquei os arquivos, mas é sempre o mesmo erro que é retornado (inclusive utilizando o fs.copyFileSync ). let a = 1; a() // TypeError: 1 is not a function.

node_modules/core-js/modules/_a-function.js","webpack:///. node_modules/@svt/videoplayer-react/node_modules/rxjs/_esm5/internal/util/not.js","webpack:///. node_modules/core-js/modules/es7.array.flat-map.js","webpack:///. tvOS","nodejs","html5","JSMAF","Skeleton","gr","cordova","innerWidth","innerHeight","jsmaf" 

toString.call(t))throw new TypeError(t+" is not a function");for(var s=0;r>s;s++)s in n&&(i[s]=t.call(o,n[s],s,e));return i}) selectMany=_e.flatMap=function(t,e){return e?this. Visual diff of the npm package 'rx' comparing 2.3.3 with 2.3.4. toString.call(t)!=Ce)throw new TypeError(t+" is not a function");for(var o=0;r>o;o++)if(o in flatMap(function(n,r){var i=t(n,r),o=le(i)?Wn(i):i;return o.map(function(t){return e(n,t,r)})}  Tn&&!1===Tn(e))throw new Error("Non-extensible objects are not allowed as keys.");if(Pn)Object.

Writing Your Own flatMap() Function. 30 Apr 2017 That is, its callback can't skip Array elements it isn't interested in.